6 Powerful Ways a Marketing Firm Can Grow Your Business


Running a business is hard.

You’re expected to wear a lot of different hats throughout the day. Being everything to everyone is exhausting, and delegating tasks is the fastest way you can focus on the things you do best.

The first task that you should consider is to hire a marketing firm. A marketing firm can powerfully transform your business by addressing key marketing platforms that will get you seen, increase your traction with your leads, and bring in more sales.

1. You’ll Have a Strategy

It’s one of the biggest mistakes that business owners make.

They think that just having a social media presence is enough. They think that if they build it, the customers will come.

Don’t be that business owner.

The main advantage when you hire a marketing firm is that they will provide you with a clear marketing strategy. They will help you set goals so that you can measure progress. Your firm has experience with what works and what doesn’t, so you directly benefit from their expertise (and save your money from dumping into ideas that won’t work.)

2. It Saves You Money

While it may seem expensive to hire a marketing firm, you will actually save money in the long run.

Most companies spend between 15-25% of their annual revenue on their marketing strategy. To see how hiring a firm would save you money, let’s look at an example:

If the annual revenue of a company is $100,000, the marketing budget would be roughly $20,000-$25,000 per year. If that firm is full service and offers everything from web design to social media management, your company saves the cost of multiple salaries.

The salary for the average web designer alone is over $50,000!

You also have to think about where else you’ll be saving money. Here are just a few places:

  • You no longer have to pay payroll taxes since they will be an independent contractor

  • You don’t have to pay benefits or healthcare

  • You don’t have to pay for any of the tools to run a marketing campaign

The amount of money that you save alone makes hiring a firm worth it.

3. Gain a New Perspective

Sometimes, all that you need is a set of fresh eyes.

While you may have had some success in the marketing department, an outside firm provides you with a fresh perspective. That could be all that you needed to push your company through to the next level.

An outside perspective will help you answer the question “Why do we do it that way?”

The outsiders have a wealth of experience running marketing campaigns, and they have more than likely run campaigns similar to the one that you want to take on.

4. Current on Technology

As an overwhelmed business owner, you many simply not have enough hours in the day to keep up with ever-changing technology. How much do you know about Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit, and all of the other social media websites?

Algorithms on the different platforms change constantly. Maintaining visibility is getting more and more difficult.

Luckily for you, you don’t necessarily have to keep up. The beauty of a marketing firm is that it is their job to stay up with the latest trends in technology to keep your business relevant.

5. Growth Becomes Easier

While many companies prefer to keep an in-house marketing team in their office, this may not be the most logical solution.

If you’re like most other business owners, your main goal is to expand and increase profit. The best way to do that is to hire an independent firm to handle your needs.

In a traditional office, how do you expand your marketing department? For most companies, it means hiring on extra employees with full salaries and benefits.

With a marketing firm, you don’t have to continue hiring and firing individual workers. You simply pay the firm their monthly fee and that is all.

6. Specific Roles

When you hire a marketing firm, you are working with people who are focused solely on helping your business grow. Their livelihood depends on creating a successful marketing plan for you and your company, so you know that you’re going to get dedicated workers.

Having these specialists’ means that you no longer have to go through the on-boarding process, train workers, or manage the work. The marketing firm itself is the one who takes on this responsibility, so it cuts down both on the time that you spend training workers and the money wasted while you wait for them to learn.

In addition, you don’t even have to provide office space for them. Instead of paying more to expand your space, you simply hire an outside company that already has their own space.

Efficiency that fuels effectiveness

If you are a business owner, it’s time to start thinking about how you can make your business more efficient. The first place to start is to begin thinking about what types of tasks you can delegate to free yourself up to do what you do best: running your business.

If you decide to hire a marketing firm, you get more than just someone to post on your social media accounts. You get experienced professionals that have in-depth knowledge of what it takes to brand a company, run advertisements, and target the correct demographic.

If you’re a business owner thinking about how to expand your business, comment below about what you think


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